Measuring Guide

M E A S U R I N G  G U I D E
Getting a new sofa is an exciting prospect. We want to help you make sure it fits through all the access points and in your living space. Please take a little time read our guide below on how to measure your sofa to make sure it’s a perfect fit. Do remember that this is justa guide and that our sofas/sofa beds can vary by approximately +/- 5%.
M E A S U R E  T H E  F U R N I T U R E  Y O U  H A V E  C H O S E N
Either measure your chosen furniture yourself, or ask a member of our trained staff to do it for you. Items displayed on this website include basic dimensions, but you may need to visit your local store to obtain additional measurements.
M E A S U R E  T H E  E N T R A N C E  T O  Y O U R  P R O P E R T Y
In the excitement of buying their new furniture, some of our customers forget to check that their carefully chosen purchase will actually fit into their home.
We will do everything possible to complete the delivery but can accept no responsibility for goods that are too large to get into the house. To avoid any embarrassment and potential cost of such problem, check the measurements below to ensure a successful delivery.
Open your door as wide as possible and measure the distance between the outer edge of the door to the inner edge of your doorframe at its narrowest point. Compare the width of your doorframe with the height of your sofa allowing some wiggle room either side. This will determine if we can take the sofa through on its side. If the door width is greater than the height of your sofa, then it will fit through.

N A V I G A T I N G  Y O U R  F U R N I T U R E
Measure the Height (H) and Width (W) of your door.
Make the path around the doorway is clear and unobstructed.
Consider any fixtures and fittings and immovable objects such as gas meters and radiators.
Measuring the diagonal depth (DD) of the sofa will help you to understand whether it will go through the door at an angle. From the side of the sofa, measure from the top left or right corner of armrest to the opposite bottom corner.
To get your sofa through the doorway it may help to place the sofa on one end and twist the sofa into the doorway seat first.
Measure the length between the door and interior wall to ensure there is enough room to manoeuvre the sofa into the desired room. You may need to stand the sofa on its end or twist it into the doorway.
Measure the height (H), width (W) and depth (D) of the stairwell to allow turning on the stairs.
Please note that different floors may have different stairwell heights and note if there are any doors or turns in the stairwell.
Measure the height and width of the lift door and the dimensions inside the lift, including the diagonal height from the bottom front to the top back, in case the sofa needs to fit into the lift at an angle.
Y O U R  F U R N I T U R E  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
See the below images for Left Hand Facing or Right Hand Facing
Corner & Chaise Sofas.